Welcome to Shenzhen Wodell Fluid Co., Ltd.
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          NUOVA GENERAL INSTRUMENTS SRL belongs to Gianesi group.
It has a twenty-year-old experience in the production of automatic intervention safety valves, production that can
satisfy any kind of request made by the customers. In particular these products, made of brass and stainless steel, with free or controlled discharge and suitable for every type of fluid,are employed for depressurizing air compressed containers and/or chemical, pharmaceutical, food, oenological, cryogenic systems. Our safety valves are approved and comply with therequirements of the European Directive 97/23/EC (PED), ASME VIII Div.1, Canadian Registration, EAC ; on request testing can be performed by the most prestigious authoritiessuch as TÜV, RINA, Bureau Veritas, ABS and Lloyd’s Register. In 1995 NGI obtained the ISO 9002 quality system certification issued by Bureau Veritas Quality International Italia S.R.L,and is currently certified in compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 issued by TÜV. In the production of every detail of safety valves NGI co-operates with a firm of its group equipped
        with work centres and specialized in turning and milling. All requests are examined by our technical departments, which solve the problems about choosing and fitting the product in accordance with every specific need.The strong point of our firm is the rapidity in meeting orders, thanks to an efficient and flexible organization that can supply large or smallamounts of stocks as quickly as possible. NUOVA GENERAL INSTRUMENTS headquarters are in Pianello V.T. , località Campasso, near Piacenza - Italy.

Main products

        Safety valves “B” - “D” - “F” - “G” are direct spring types and are qualified by CE according to E.D. 97/23/EC and according the norme ASME VIII Div.1. Due to the big number of possible connections and setting our valves are suitable for a lot of application of common use. Our valves have high quality performances, they works perfectly and have a long lasting valves
        of “B” -”D” - “F” type with free out and the “G/M” type with piped outlet are suitable for fluids in gaseous or liquid conditions, nor toxic or flammable. “G” valves have sealed caps andfit uses on liquids-vapors or on dangerous, noxious, and inflammable gas. When the controlled pressure decreases, the valve will close completely only if it goes down under the setting valve of a percentage that is called delay of closing and it should not to be too little (to avoid vibration) or too big ( to avoid interferences with exercise pressure). For applications with
hot - superheated water or steam, type “G” valves must be used.

Model Example

        Safety valves “B” - “D” - “F” - “G” - “Z” are quick open valves; in fact during the opening, due to the inflow of forces that are added to the one determined by controlled pressure underthe shutter; those forces can win the strength of the spring (rising up by effect of shutter lifting) avoiding that the internal pressure increases too much. When the working pressure
        the valves does not open, but the strength of the springs is a little bit over the one made on the disc by the fluid; the disc stays near the seal, it should be easy to have leakages, and if they go on seals could happen even if there is not a valve intervention. If a valve is applied on steah or other hot fluids, due to an intervention it has a decalibration caused by thewarming of its outside parts, and if, it should not have the time to be cooled, during the second intervention it will open at a pressure lower than the one of setting. When several testsare made, let the valve coll, otherwise performances should not be exact.

Product Picture
Powerby Shenzhen Wodell Fluid Co., Ltd.